Britt is doing an excellent job in school this year. I had a little scare recently when I got notice by email that he got an "F" in science. I asked him about it and he couldn't really tell me much, so then Adam called his teacher and apparently it was a glitch with the system and he is doing fine. We talked to his Teacher again at the Open House the other night and she told us Britt is a joy to have in class and that he is really smart.
We are working on his spacing between letters and words in a sentence. He is putting too much space between letters and then not enough between different words. I saw a tip online about using the analogy of spaghetti and meatballs. I told him to put thin spaghetti spaces between his letter in a word and big meatball spaces between words. That has really seemed to help him. He laughs every time I talk about it.
Paisley is such a big girl getting up and going to school everyday. Her teacher told us she is doing great and is really smart. I am so proud of her.
Paisley is such a girly girl. If she is not happy with the shoes I pick out or the outfit I choose for her to wear she will definitely let me know. In fact, last week she was supposed to wear the color red all week since her class was learning about the color red. I picked out a pink skirt and red, white and pink shirt. She was devastated from the moment she put it on and we ended up having to change it. She even went as far as to tell me she didn't want her friends to see her in that outfit. All this at 3 & 1/2 years old. I can only imagine what is in store for us.
I love both of my kids so much and am so happy they are doing so well in school. Hopefully, the trend will continue for this year and years to come.
i am glad they like school so much. Shelly is SUCH an awesome teacher, I am not surprised Britt likes her class and that he is doing so well. :) Ah, the 3 year old girl and her shoes, it makes it interesting. At least you know she has an opinion. That is a great thing. I bet they will always love school! I am proud of them for doing so well.
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