Tuesday, July 14

Finally a Float for Paisley

From the time Britt was little, I think I tried every type of float available for younger toddlers. He swims well so he doesn't need them anymore but now Paisley is in the process of learning.

First I tried a baby float. She was not happy and I think felt confined. She would much rather have someone else or mainly me hold her. Then water wings, she is pretty small so they covered passed her elbow hindering her ability to move her arms very well. I then remembered Britt had a little vest with a built in tube. So I began my journey to find one. I really didn't know what they were called so trying to find one was difficult. No stores that I looked in had any and this time of year they weren't really receiving new pool accessories.

I was about to give up when I spotted it in one of my parenting magazines. It is called a swim sweater. I was going to order it online but then I noticed they had them at sporting goods stores and there was one across town and I needed the swim sweater for Paisley sooner than later.

The next day my Mom and I went hoping to find one. When I went into Sports Authority I didn't see one right away so, the salesperson asked me if I needed help. I told him what I was looking for and he proceeded to look where they should be to no avail. He then offered to look in the back and I took him up on it. While he was back there I noticed some baby floats shaped like boats and then a smaller box next to them. When I looked closer, there it was possibly the only swim sweater left in the town I live in. I was so happy. I waited to tell the salesperson I had it and then went up and checked out.

Once we got it home I put it on Paisley. She is a really petite 19 months so the sweater was big on her (it is supposed to be for 2-4 year olds) but I used a twisty tie to hold the shoulder straps close together. After just a few minutes she was swimming away on her own. The only thing I have to remind her to keep her mouth closed but she is doing pretty well already. It really makes her do the swimming motion.

I am so happy I kept looking for this particular float. It makes swimming with Paisley so much nicer.


The Traveling Turtle said...

that is awesome! Celie is the same with the water - likes to be held or left alone to walk around the deck and jump in. I don't think she liked being confined either and the floaties are really too big for her arms too.... I will have to search for one as well. Thanks for posting the helpful info!

Punkin said...

this looks like so much fun. We are trying to talk Papa in to getting a pool.So we figured if Britt would BEG Papa that he would.
I can't believe how good Paisley is doing in the water and not scared of it :):) Britt is a FISH !!!