Monday, January 4

Christmas Recap

Well, I left you last with saying that my parents were on their way here. They arrived safe and sound around 8:30pm that night. They were actually at the house before the majority of us got there due to a stop at Walmart. Adam worked late so at least he was there to greet them. Once we all got there, my parents got a BIG welcome from two kids, 3 dogs and 3 other adults ;-)

The next day we celebrated Christmas Eve with lots of party food. The kids got to open their presents from my Aunt and Uncle and then we all opened our stocking gifts. Everyone then went off to bed to rest up for Christmas day. Adam and I chose to sleep in the kids room with them because Paisley wasn't feeling the best. I am glad we did because she kept tossing and turning and was clearly not comfortable. I tried putting her in bed with me but then just decided to get up with her. She watched Dora and rested on the couch. We went back to bed around 5:30am and were able to sleep until 9:00am.

We all got up close to 9:00am and got dressed and then started to open presents. We weren't done until after 12:00pm. That is the longest we have ever taken. There were just so many presents. We had decided a head of time not to have the traditional turkey meal. Instead we ate leftovers from the party food the night before. Paisley made it part way through gift unwrapping and needed a nap and then woke back up to unwrap some more. She had a fever and was feeling pretty cruddy. She just layed on my lap most of the afternoon. My Dad and Sister went to Walgreens the only place that was open to get her some medicine. Once that was in Paisley's system she would get up and play a little but you could tell when it would start to wear off because she would lay back down.

Paisley seemed to be feeling much better the next day. She still had a cold and cough but no more fever as far as I could tell. We all went to the movies to see Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakquel. It was a cute movie, mainly for kids though.

We pretty much relaxed here at the house the rest of the time my parents were here except for a trip to the local Natural History Museum (that was Britt's idea) and hitting Target and Walmart for their 75% off after Christmas sales. I got some great deals on Christmas decor for next year. I was so excited.

We all got Paisley's cold which she probably got from her Daddy. Nobody was sick in bed, just a little under the weather. We played lots of games which was so much fun.

This past Saturday we had to say good bye to my parents. They had to go home for my Mom to go back to work on Monday. It was a nice visit and we were glad to have them here to celebrate the holidays with us.

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